Sunday, June 8, 2008


OK.. Here is the Class of 1989 again... in Second Grade....

first row, Billy Tansley, Kim Riviello, Ryan Winters, Renee Cianflone, Catherine Condon, Maura Monteforte.

second row, Donna Wahl, Mellissa Flynn, Scott Reviello, Marlo Esgro, Jim Mattei, DONT KNOW

third tow, Dave Barbetti, Trina Ripa, Cara Terruso, ME!

four routh, Jeff Tomasetti, Marianne Perrone, Marisa Terruso, Mrs. Tumavitch, Diane Plishka, Robin Rowan, Eddie Lee!!!

fifth row, Tony Salerno, DONT KNOW, Lori Lamberti, Bruce Fahey, Lori Guarino, Billy Scherer.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that Snady Frati next to Tony Salerno.. when did he get held back??

The Rick said...

Yes... Sandy Frati... I guess they original T-Sal did get held back...

Lori G. said...

How could you not know that is Sandy Frati????? Shame on you Mr. OFHS.
Hi there,