On one hand we have the Democrats with a young black candidate and and old man while on the other hand we have the Republicans with an old man and a young female candidate .
Obama is way too experienced to run the country - no matter his race - yet according to local historians and social experts, he would get to run it for too long, because they guess he will provide for a presidential assassination atttempt that we have not seen since the 80s.

McCain is probably a few days away from dying of natual causes or falling into senility. Other than that I like the man. And I probably would have voted for him until he selected his VP.
Sarah Palin. Now don't get me wrong. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. I would have stumped for Hillary had she been the Dem candidate. Heck. If McCain gets elected I cant wait for the Presidential Playboy pictorial when Palin is sworn in after McCain dies.
But just because Palin could be a playmate doesn't make her a viable veep. The woman is just plain dumb from what I can see. I mean how did she become governor? I know Alaska is inconsequential and only like 50 people are unfrozen enough to be able to vote, but cmon?

Charlie Gibson made her look like a nitwit. And Charlie is a nice guy reporter. Imagine if he was IMUS!!!
Anyway I digress. I know it sounds as if Im headed in the Obama direction, but there are just too many questions with him also.
Is he an American? African? Hawaiian? What?
Is he Christian? Muslin? Follower of Michael Jackson?
I mean if Slick Willie was a black guy in a white man's body, then Barry is the opposite. Did you see that guy play hoops on ESPN? Silk Parker has better moves.
That's right. Vote Monty Brewster! None of the Above!
Oh, and I suppose I'm supposed to think the Biden man is a genius based on his comment about how President FDR went on television in 1929 to warn everyone of the stock market crash. Now, I had no idea myself what the "Bush Doctrine" was, but at least I know FDR wasn't president until way after 1929 and TV wasn't even a twinkle in Thomas Edison's eye. Excuse me while I go cook my mooseburger. At least the chick can hunt and cook. What can Joe do, sell a car?
Joe might sell you a car, but it will only run when the republicans sell you saudi gas at $5 a gallon.
The whole muse was to curtail voting for both sides.
Don't you get the NONE OF THE ABOVE thing?
You dissed my gal. Vote for her and she'll drill up her whole state for your petrol. And send down some caribou burgers on the house. (Excuse me while I go put on some lipstick.)
You're "Gal" is a moron
I can't spell either... lol
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