I can't... Much like JoePa running three straight plays into the middle of a defense on the goal line, Joe Torre has no idea how to handle a pitching staff.
Don't give me that 13 straight seasons in the playoff bull. Or the four World Series rings. Or whatever.
The guy is simply the Phil Jackson of baseball. Give me Derek Jeter, Roger Juice Clemens, Bernie Williams, Mariano Riviera and a load of talent and ill win... Just like give me Jordan, Pippen, Kobe, and Shaq and ill be the Zen master...
First off. Game 2. Chad Billingsly pitching. The kid is 24. He is a rookie. He is in front of 45,000 maniacs in Philly and has just given up a few straight hits and runs. How about taking a visit to the mound to calm him down? Jeez.
But no. What does Joe PaTorre do? He leaves the kid out there by himself until he gives up 7 straight hits and four runs. Game over. Hopefull not career over. We will see tonight.
Then. Game 4. Dodgers are back in it after winning Game 3. Although I didn't like the decision of D-Lowe on three days rest, it worked out for 5 innings and a 3-2 Dodgers lead.
Would it have worked out for 6? Who knows? Cuz Joe PaTorre yanks one of the best post-season pitchers in MLB history for the YOUNGEST player in the majors - 20 year old Clayton Kershaw.
Now Clay may become a great Dodgers pitcher, but does he need to be put in the biggest spot in current Dodgers history? NO!
Leave D-Lowe out there for a few batters. See what happens. Instead Clay gives up a few hits and a run to tie the game.
The Dodgers come right back and go ahead 5-3, so lets bring in Kuo. Huo pitches great. So great, Joe PaTorre takes him out!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!
Too much overmanaging....
But let's not bring in Broxton to shut things down. Let's bring in Cory Wade - another youngin - to throw some gas on the fire.
Sure enough, 5-5, after the Flyin Hawaiian's homer. Now we bring in Broxton. POW two-run homer to Matt Stairs. GAME OVER!
Way to manage Joe PaTorre. Let's see what you do in LA next year without Manny, D-Lowe and possibly even Furcal.
I'm sick of people saying what a great job Joe did this year. The Dodgers STUNK all year until Manny showed up. They better throw the farm at Manny so he stays and keeps LA baseball exciting.
If not.. might as well get rid of Joe or else the Dodgers will be just like the Braves and Mets Torre managed in the 70s and 80s - JUNK!
1 comment:
ha ha. well said (and pictured). but there are those six times in history that provide hope for a comeback....
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